Celebrations of the Spirit Rev. Melinda A. Angstadt
Celebrations of the SpiritRev. Melinda A. Angstadt 

                Your Wedding Day Dreams

for your Marriage Ceremony can come true

with Melinda as your Wedding  Celebrant!

This is the most

important day in your life!


You have dreamed of your wedding ceremony.
You have thought about the words

you would speak and the love you would feel.
And now that you have met that special someone

who has been waiting just for you.... 

It's time to make all your dreams

come true!

As a wedding celebrant,

Rev. Melinda would love to meet with you

to hear your ideas about your wedding day.  

She is open to all suggestions and would be honored

to share in this special time in your lives.

Whether you desire a traditional ceremony

or prefer a non-traditional approach,

Melinda can create the perfect ceremony

to express your beliefs about marriage

and your love for one another.

Choose The Sky's the Limit

and your love story will be woven

into a ceremony that is designed

to fulfill your every wedding day wish.

When you choose either the

Short & Sweet, 

or the Just Our Style,

you have the flexibility to mix and match

parts of the available eight ceremonies

to create your own personal and unique wedding experience.
The options are limitless!


Whichever package you choose...

you will have a beautiful wedding ceremony

created just for the two of you!


Celebrations of the Spirit, Inc.

An Independent Affiliate of The Circle of Miracles
A Nonprofit 501 (C)(3) Organization

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