Based on the teachings of
A Course in Miracles
Serving Berks County, Pennsylvania
and Surrounding Counties
438 Oley St.
Reading, PA 19601
Rev. Melinda A. Angstadt
Celebrations of the Spirit was founded when Rev. Melinda realized that there was a need for a place of spiritual worship based solely in the principals of unconditional love. Following this divine thought, she entered the Circle of Miracles School of Ministry and was ordained as a non denominational interfaith minsiter. She incorporated Celebrations of the Spirit as a non denominational church, and opened the doors to Sunday Sharing Services in 2005. Our unique and interactive non denmonational services offered a safe, open enviroment in which all religions and spiritual paths could be accepted and expressed in a supportive and loving enviroment.
While these non denominational church services were suspended in 2014 due to a lack in interest, the philosophies of Celebrations of the Spirit still live within the services provided to the world around us. These services are most seen in Rev. Melinda's capacity as a wedding officiant and marriage celebrant, as well as in the workshops that Rev. Diane offers on occasion. Rev. Melinda is also a student and facilitator of the spiritual teachings of A Course in Miracles, and will also offer study groups when an interest in expressed.
Celebrations of the Spirit believes celebrating our commonalities rather than focusing on our differences will be the truest path to uniting our world as one. We invite you to take the feeling of peace, love, and acceptance which you will find within our ministry out into your own world manifesting an abundance of faith, love, and unity within your life and the world you live within.
Peace and Blessings!
Celebrations of the Spirit, Inc.
An Independent Affiliate of The Circle of Miracles
A Nonprofit 501 (C)(3) Organization