Celebrations of the Spirit Rev. Melinda A. Angstadt
Celebrations of the SpiritRev. Melinda A. Angstadt 

  A Non Denominational Interfaith Church      Wedding Officiant & Celebrant Services


Serving Berks County, Pennsylvania
and Surrounding Counties

Rev. Melinda A. Angstadt


Celebrations of the Spirit will be closing at the end of 2025.

I look forward to serving you in my 20th year until then. 

As an ordained non denominational interfaith spiritual minister, Rev. Melinda Angstadt has been providing wedding officiant and celebrant services to the Reading/Berks County area and its surrounding counties since 2005.  Rev. Melinda Angstadt is ordained through the Circle of Miracles School of Ministries, and fulfills all the requirements set by Pennsylvania to legally preside at wedding ceremonies.   Melinda's devotion to her wedding ministry is her true passion. She is both relaxed with a good sense of humor, while being focused on her officiant duties. Always smiling, she is an asset to any couple's wedding day!


Whether you desire a traditional ceremony or prefer a non-traditional approach, Rev. Melinda can create the perfect ceremony to express your love for each other in your own special way. As an Interfaith ministry honoring all religions and spiritual paths, she is open to all suggestions and would love to share in this special time in your lives. As an outgoing, animated speaker, Melinda has taught spiritual classes both for youth and adults, and is the founder and president of Celebrations of the Spirit, a ministry founded in the principals of unconditional love. Melinda is also available to perform baptisms, baby blessings, funeral and memorial services. 


Celebrations of the Spirit is designed to help you express your beliefs in a supportive, loving atmosphere. We offer a safe, open environment in which each of us is accepted and loved exactly as we are. We believe celebrating our commonalities rather than focusing on our differences will be  the truest path to uniting our world as one.


Celebrations of the Spirit invites you to take the feeling of peace, love, and acceptance which you will find within our ministry out into your own world manifesting an abundance of faith, love, and unity within your life and the world you live within.


Peace and Blessings!



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